
The solar development fever is not receding

A new regulation was implemented in September in Spain that tightens requirements for the connection of renewable developments to the transmission grid, in an effort to filter out speculative or “zombi” projects.

This regulation is supposed to cool down …

Demanda eléctrica vuelve a niveles de 2019

Tras casi 6 meses de demanda eléctrica deprimida por la sucesión de periodos de confinamiento y la correspondiente recesión económica, el consumo eléctrico vuelve a situarse en niveles similares a los del año pasado. Incluso en ciertas semanas de …

Deciphering the August 2020 Portuguese solar auction

Methodology and results

Bidding options

The Portuguese 2020 solar auction offered to the bidders two ways to sell their energy:

The first one is perceiving a Fixed Tariff (a constant fixed price for all their production) over 15 years, for PV …

Portugal tender results

Results of the Portuguese solar tender are confusing because the bidding options and the pricing formulas were complex. Out of the awarded projects, just one will receive the published price, of EUR 11,14/MWh over the next 15 years. All …

Mexico | COVID-19 Impact on PMLs

The COVID-19 sanitary crisis has disrupted every industry worldwide, and the energy sector is no exception. Only in the first half of 2020, electricity demand fell around 10% VS 2019 levels:

Weekly Demand Withdrawal at the MDA (2019 VS 2020)

However, what does this …

Spain | Wind sell price ratio

What a Windy November in Spain!

November 2019 was one of the months with the highest #wind generation on record.

Does that sound to dramatical electricity drop price, as we usually see across Europe?

No: Spanish Daily Market is showing us that …

Spain | Installed Capacity Jan,2020

With the installation of 226 MW of PV solar during January, #wind & PV #solar total installed capacity is now higher than coal and gas capacity!

-Coal and gas (CCGT) sum 33.8 GW

-Wind and PV solar sum 34 GW

This statement …

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