
AMLO Memorandum: Potential Changes to the Economic Dispatch Model

The AMLO administration has tried to introduce several regulatory changes with the objective of strengthening CFE. In the past months, industry participants have issued amparos against some of these regulatory modifications, such as the CENACE and SENER Rulings. While …

Duck curve in Chile: the need for flexibility solutions

The concept of duck curve is now quite well known in markets with large renewable penetration and refers to the shape of the net load in an electrical system with large amount of solar generation. Therefore, it is a …

Negative prices in Iberia: Who cares?

On Tuesday December 1st, 2020, OMIE president, Carmen Becerril, announced that the current price limits for Iberian Daily Market (EUR 0/MWh to EUR 180/MWh) were going to be modified in order to follow the same limits as other European …

Chile: Vertimiento a su más alto nivel desde casi 2 años

Los volúmenes de vertimiento (curtailment en inglés) solar y eólico de la subestación Nogales hasta al norte de Chile llegaron a más de 49.2 GWh en total para el mes de septiembre 2020, el valor más alto desde diciembre …

Chile: Costos marginales, históricamente bajos

Desde ya hace unas semanas se han comenzado a observar costos marginales en torno a 0 USD/MWh. Esto principalmente dada la alta disponibilidad de recursos renovables, menor demanda y un sistema de transmisión con menores desacoples.

En particular esta semana, …

Renewable development in Spain: severe fever!

A recent new regulation is supposed to cool down the development fever in Spain by restricting the connection process. This is theory will filter out all the speculative projects and only keep the serious ones, or at least the …

Chile | Update on Supreme Decree 88

Supreme Decree 88, which enacts a new regulation for Small Scale Generation Units (PMG/PMGD), was submitted again to Contraloría (Comptroller General of Chile), on June 24th, 2020. Among other changes, a new methodology is defined for Stabilized Price computation, …