
Chile: 2021 DisCo tender offers preliminary analysis

Energía Estrategica published yesterday 30th of August some raw data about the offers for the August 2021 Distribution Companies tender in Chile.

2,310 GWh/year of energy is tendered, starting supply in 2026, for 15 years. All the technologies are welcome …

Snowstorm in the US, Power Outage in Mexico

Power infrastructure is not prepared to face the climate emergency threat. Just last week, the Uri winter storm left close to 4.3 million Texans in complete darkness! Repercussions were felt beyond US borders, particularly in Mexico, where a shortage …

Mexico: AMLO Preferential Law Initiative

Over the past two years, the Mexican federal government has been trying to enact their energy policy through a series of controversial publications. Nevertheless, to this date, none of these have caused any real changes on the system.

One of …

2021 Spanish Auction: who won?

With this short notice we continue our data analysis on the latest Spanish auction.

See our first publication here.

Spanish companies are the great winners of this auction

This auction was open to any company, and it has been awarded mostly to …

2021 Spanish Auction: main results

Yesterday, on January 26th 2021, Spanish government published the results of the latest renewable energy auction.

PV wins 67% of awarded capacity

This auction was open to any renewable technology, with a premium in case of adding storage. 1,000 MW were …

Power Outages: A Matter of Reliability or Flexibility?

A massive power outage hit the National Interconnected System1 of Mexico last December 28th, leaving close to 10.3 million users without electricity supply for two hours. While this is not the first time an event of such nature occurs2, …

Chile / Perspectivas 2021 / Mercado eléctrico

A horas de terminar el año 2020, un año particularmente desafiante tanto por aspectos globales como locales, queremos abordar los principales temas que estuvieron en discusión, aquellos que finalmente se zanjaron y aquellos que continuarán siendo parte de la …

Mexico: Top 10 Energy Industry Events in 2020

The year 2020 has been quite a journey! Over the last twelve months, the global economy has experienced a deep recession, impacting every sector along the way. The energy industry was no exception, where an unprecedented collapse in oil …