
Capacity Balance Market: A plunge to zero in 2020?

In our first blog entry of the year, we discussed the 10 trends to watch in the Mexican energy sector throughout 2021. Among these, our team forecasted the Capacity Net Price would plunge to zero during the 2020 Capacity …

Snowstorm in the US, Power Outage in Mexico

Power infrastructure is not prepared to face the climate emergency threat. Just last week, the Uri winter storm left close to 4.3 million Texans in complete darkness! Repercussions were felt beyond US borders, particularly in Mexico, where a shortage …

Power Outages: A Matter of Reliability or Flexibility?

A massive power outage hit the National Interconnected System1 of Mexico last December 28th, leaving close to 10.3 million users without electricity supply for two hours. While this is not the first time an event of such nature occurs2, …

AMLO Memorandum: Potential Changes to the Economic Dispatch Model

The AMLO administration has tried to introduce several regulatory changes with the objective of strengthening CFE. In the past months, industry participants have issued amparos against some of these regulatory modifications, such as the CENACE and SENER Rulings. While …

Duck curve in Chile: the need for flexibility solutions

The concept of duck curve is now quite well known in markets with large renewable penetration and refers to the shape of the net load in an electrical system with large amount of solar generation. Therefore, it is a …