
Duck curve in Chile: the need for flexibility solutions

The concept of duck curve is now quite well known in markets with large renewable penetration and refers to the shape of the net load in an electrical system with large amount of solar generation. Therefore, it is a …

Chile: Costos marginales, históricamente bajos

Desde ya hace unas semanas se han comenzado a observar costos marginales en torno a 0 USD/MWh. Esto principalmente dada la alta disponibilidad de recursos renovables, menor demanda y un sistema de transmisión con menores desacoples.

En particular esta semana, …

Full 2020 Portuguese solar auction results

A few days ago, we published a short note to help Deciphering the August 2020 Portuguese solar auction. Since then, the Portuguese government published the full results. Here follow our main observations.

PV plus storage wins 72% of awarded capacity

A …

Chile | Update on Supreme Decree 88

Supreme Decree 88, which enacts a new regulation for Small Scale Generation Units (PMG/PMGD), was submitted again to Contraloría (Comptroller General of Chile), on June 24th, 2020. Among other changes, a new methodology is defined for Stabilized Price computation, …