
Chile: 2021 DisCo tender offers preliminary analysis

Energía Estrategica published yesterday 30th of August some raw data about the offers for the August 2021 Distribution Companies tender in Chile.

2,310 GWh/year of energy is tendered, starting supply in 2026, for 15 years. All the technologies are welcome …

2021 Spanish Auction: main results

Yesterday, on January 26th 2021, Spanish government published the results of the latest renewable energy auction.

PV wins 67% of awarded capacity

This auction was open to any renewable technology, with a premium in case of adding storage. 1,000 MW were …

Power Outages: A Matter of Reliability or Flexibility?

A massive power outage hit the National Interconnected System1 of Mexico last December 28th, leaving close to 10.3 million users without electricity supply for two hours. While this is not the first time an event of such nature occurs2, …

Duck curve in Chile: the need for flexibility solutions

The concept of duck curve is now quite well known in markets with large renewable penetration and refers to the shape of the net load in an electrical system with large amount of solar generation. Therefore, it is a …

Full 2020 Portuguese solar auction results

A few days ago, we published a short note to help Deciphering the August 2020 Portuguese solar auction. Since then, the Portuguese government published the full results. Here follow our main observations.

PV plus storage wins 72% of awarded capacity

A …