Privacy Policy


A. Contact Information of the Data Controller
The data controller for the data collected through this website is ANTUKO COMERCIALIZACIÓN SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA, located at C/ALMAGRO, No. 22, 5th FLOOR, 28010, MADRID (MADRID), CIF W5121516H. You can contact the data controller via email at or by phone at 914669705.

B. Identity and Contact Details of the Representative

C. Contact Information of the Data Protection Officer


A. Extended Description of the Purposes of Processing

  • Advertising and commercial prospecting
  • Management of requests

B. Data Retention Periods or Criteria
We will retain the data for as long as necessary to handle the request and comply with legal obligations. The data you provide will be kept as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in section 2.A., or for the duration required by applicable legislation.

C. Automated Decisions, Profiles, and Applied Logic
The data collected through the website will not be used to make automated decisions.


A. Applicable Legislation
The applicable legislation is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, as well as the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.

B. Details of the Legal Basis for Processing, in Cases of Legal Obligation, Public Interest, or Legitimate Interest
Article 6, section 1, letter a. Consent from the data subject is considered a legitimate basis for processing personal data contained in this file.

C. Obligation to Provide Data and Consequences of Failure to Do So
You are not obliged to provide us with data; however, it will be necessary to manage any suggestions or requests you wish to make through the website.


A. Recipients
Organizations or individuals directly related to the Company, public administration with jurisdiction in the matter.

B. Specific Recipients
It is possible that data processors may access the data provided through this website as part of their maintenance functions.

C. Adequacy Decisions, Guarantees, Binding Corporate Rules, or Applicable Specific Situations

D. International Transfers


A. How to Exercise the Rights of Access, Rectification, Erasure, and Portability of Your Data, and Limitation or Opposition to Its Processing
The data subject may review, modify, or delete the data the Company holds about them via email, providing their ID, or by postal mail to C/ALMAGRO, No. 22, 5th FLOOR, 28010, MADRID (MADRID). The data subject may also transfer their data to another entity or limit the existing data the Company holds about them via email, providing their ID, or by postal mail to C/ALMAGRO, No. 22, 5th FLOOR, 28010, MADRID (MADRID).

B. Right to Withdraw Consent
The data subject may withdraw the data the Company holds about them via email, providing their ID, or by postal mail to C/ALMAGRO, No. 22, 5th FLOOR, 28010, MADRID (MADRID).

C. Right to File a Complaint with the Supervisory Authority
The data subject may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency regarding any issues that may arise.


A. Detailed Information on the Origin of the Data
Provided by the data subject themselves.

B. Categories of Data Being Processed

  • Name and Surname
  • Email